
Learn all about High School for Law Enforcement and Public Safety, and why we’re the right school for you. In this section, we have compiled some of the frequently asked questions that we’ve received over the years. If there is something that we missed, please reach out and a member of our staff will get in touch with you.
Do the students get to meet law enforcement personnel?
Yes, HSLEAPS is visited regularly by Law Enforcement personnel who meet with students in their classrooms, the auditorium, and through the Explorers Program.
Is this a uniform school?
Yes, our uniform consists of navy blue or white polo shirts with the school's logo and navy blue pants. All students must adhere to our uniform policy.
Can I visit the school?
Yes. We host several Open Houses throughout the fall and spring semesters. Please click the link below to see our open house schedule. In addition to the open house, you can call us at (718) 977-4800 in order to set up a visit.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 11:00am.m to 2:00 p.m.